Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ah, weddings....

Yesterday was a very popular American holiday. July 4Th. Independence day. And what better way t enjoy this Holiday than by watching two souls give up their freedoms with an ill advised marriage that neither of the couple thinks is really a good idea to start with!
Folks, I cant help but feel that a shotgun wedding would have more joy than this one.
For starters, the bride who was on premises was an hour late as she refused to come out to participate in "The happiest day of her life". The groom looking both foolish for appearing, and doomed when he saw her, was the butt of many hushed jokes at my bench. She was crying before she even made it to him for her father to pass her on to him, and when he went to shake the poor grooms hand, he looked as though he would kill him, nearly jerking his arm out of socket.
So the priest began his rhetoric about unity, whilst the couple half hearted repeated their false vows, and ended it with the kind of peck that just said"Mistake". Then she broke down realising the error in her ways, and tried to leave! Ofcousrse she could not, as the reception was to take place. This really caused a riot, as there were tons of people to dance with her, but none would with him!! They literally turned him down. His own mother wouldn't!!!! Fucking fabulous! Well, enjoy folks, I did!


Amy xxoo said...

Well thats just sad then isnt it? It really, really is...

Globus said...

you can't beat a good wedding. the best ones are those where there's some high-end drama going on, after all...