Saturday, February 7, 2009

Suck and Fail.

Simple enough to wrap your mind around. Take your typical burned out vet. Give him a few years to try and get over the mental reality of life after war. Have him try out for the police dept. Watch him sweat with worry as he tries to not psyc himself out. Wondering if he is going to hurt something and have to go back into that goddamned wheelchair.
1st event. Passed...look at him, confused as he has'nt done shit in 4 years.
2nd event. Hold did these guys who are in increadible looking shape fail, and his fat ass pass??
3rd and final event. After scratching the back of his head raw from disbelief that he is still here when the supermen he thought he had no chance against were all but gone. Look at him run, he looks funny all tired and sweaty. Did he actualy finish the run? What the hell, people are walking behind him. wait they are yelling at him to hurry. The back of his fat theighs burning, arms like spaghetti, lings about to explode. The irony taste of blood in his mouth. But wait,..thats not blood. Thats the failure coursing through his veins. Like ice water that just ruined his wonderful day in paradise. 28 seconds too late. Its what he gets for having a hope. Hope floats just like fish crap in a dirty lake. Mabee next time he will actually prepare. That new gym membership better be worth it becouse it sure as hell is expensive. But at least he finished the damn thing. Unlike the cowards that looked so wonderful, and gave up. Guess he still has a little grit after all. Its sure good to be alive.


Laurie Stark said...

Those last three lines sum it up exactly.

And thank you for your thoughtful comment on my most recent post.

Amy xxoo said...

28 seconds ? For reals? They're kidding right ? Well you know, as always, i am sending you all the good vibes i can muster for the next time you give it a shot.

28 seconds... what a load of bullocks....

Lord Snuffy said...

Thank you both for the great support. I realy am excited. And yes, 28 seconds. Standards are standards, and you better believe I will meet them next time!