Friday, June 19, 2009


OK, this is wrong, really.
I your humble host actually enrolled in school. And not just to do something like accounting, or buisness. I am irresponsible enough to WANT to be a teacher. And history of all subjects. You see, children need all of the help they can get in life, and I feel my life experience is such that I can offer a reasonable opinion for a child in need. Besides, young men don't have enough male roll models. Any who I am gonna throw a congrats to one of my oldest friends, AMY!!!! Congrats on the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Amy xxoo said...

Why thank you little buddy! And congrats to you on your enrolment. I agree that your life experience will come in handy, especially when discussing the fairly recent political and military history of your nation.

Good luck!