Sunday, January 25, 2009


Well, Im back, not that it matters, I am in effect talking with my self....but what the hell. I woke up this mourning, realising that hey, Things have been amazing as of late, so why not post again. No negitivity, a lot of negitivity would do me some good!
Things I have done and resolved.
1.I loose no more. Period. After a near go to jail stint, I decided that the verry polite officer whom helped me was a great example of what to strive for. He was kind, and still no push over.
2. Loose some goddamned weight. Already done it. 22 pounds in a little over a month! Feels real good too. I forgot how much agression I can purge in a serious no frills work out. Besides, the added attention of not feeling like a slob is a fond memory that I get to re-live!
3. I will quit grinding my teeth over the commander in cheif of this country. I have no problembs with him personaly, just some of his policies. However, I will conduct my self with a tad more dignity than the far left loons that suffered from a derangement complex over the last president. I will give him the benifit of the doubt, and I do like some of his ideas. The games need to stop, and he apears to be attempting to blow the game ending wistle..
(I do wish we would pick someone other than a tax cheat to run the tax service, but hey...we cant win them all. I just wish he wasnt taking the expideant route by saying, yes he is a crook, but we need him...cant we have someone without scandal for once?)
4. Let go of the past. This was the most important thing ever to me. I no longer try to re live the past by attempting to be me like I used to be. Its impossible. I have half the world under my boots, and a new out look on life. Perspective that is different from my old one. Its good. The change is amazing. I learned to embrace who I am, and well Its pretty damn nice!
5. Make the police department!!! I placed very high on the writen test, so I hope to pass the initial physical test. This would not only be a great carreer, but a way for me to do some good in life again not only for me but the comunity as well.
So there you have it, a new pic, a new out look, and a fresh feel! And A drink now and then dont hurt either!

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