Friday, May 2, 2008

Le Divorce!

Goddamn whore has a grip on my throat no more!
That's right folks it is official. My first real post begins with the liberation of my personal life. After two years of separation I have become a free and very happy spirit. I know there are those who will say: Your not supposed to talk bad, or we don't have her side. Fuck off, this isn't her blog. If you want her side, read her blog, though i doubt she has the intelligence to write one. A hyena that one is. Anyone selfish enough to leave their partner for getting hurt in as she called it, A Fake War, is a dumb senseless cunt.
So cheer me on my newly found freedom, and I will attempt to write something more relevant tomorrow!


Amy xxoo said...

THat good to hear! Hopefully it means its the first step to some kind of closure and a move forward for you little buddy... mwah!

Lord Snuffy said...

Little??? Im double your size sweatheart!lol Thanks!

SonnyVsDan said...

that does seem like the kind of thing an intelligent person would keep to themselves, especially seeing as you were in said war.

can you give us her back story? better yet, can you do it in 100 words?

SonnyVsDan said...

ok, that came out wrong, i was implying she was the one that should have kept said comments to herself, not you...

argh! that's the second time in 2 days i've said something that sounds like i meant something else!

Lord Snuffy said...

Actually I understood you fully, and now that I am off of a two day work binge, Ill defenatly post! Thanks for reading!