Friday, May 2, 2008

My first entry!

Well folks if you are reading this then I am sorry. You are about to be bored and possibly loose IQ points. It is recommended that if you are going to continue further you have a stiff drink in hand and a sense of humor. I am by no means politically correct. In fact i find it offensive. I am not out to please anyone and if you are easily hurt, offended, or find words like fuck, shit, bitch, cunt, whore, dick, pussy,asshole, or any other language of this nature(colorful metaphors if you will), then read no farther. You will likely be subjected to things that will possibly hurt your feelings, and I have to be sensitive to your needs. I will endeavor to keep it as unprofain as possible though as no one likes a one trick pony.
Thanks again for reading, and I will endeavor to do my best not to use some of these words as my friend is attempting to get me to quit.

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